1964-1965 Yearbook

STIMULATING Christmas spirit just before the holidays, the Choraleltes cheer student morale w ith a coral of the season 01 Ihe oll ·school party. CHORALE. FRONT ROW: Parks, Kirkbride, Medear is, Pentecost, Eckerberg , Ne a l. Naylor , Sims, Wright, K, Wear, DeShazo, D. Davis, Morgan , Webb, Tim. merman, A. Hobby, Timberlake, Argo, Hom, Gibson, O ' Ke lley, Willbanks, Henderson, Kelly. SECOND ROW: Borrelt, Brewer, P. Bradford, Bean, Hemingway, Garlock, Hilt, C. Craig, A. Craig, Howard, Ferguson, M. Smith, F. Freemon, S. Craig, Wol fe , Reynolds, Robinson, Bradley, Nage l, Leroux, Studebaker, Bo'rtley, Cleveland, Austin, H. Howell, L. Smith, Ditsleor. TH IRD ROW: G. Howell , Williams, Rouse, C. Smith, l. Bradford, Romero, Forre st, Bradsher, Courtney, Balthrop, Mitchen, Heid. Tillmon, Price, Trent, Bryant, Maltmille r, McAll iste r, (lawson, Gi bbons, Kee. McMillo n, Hunt , Bumpass, Crew, Stevens, Janes, Sounders. FOURTH ROW: Brannon, Steckler, Robbins, Humphrey s. Maxwell , Dixon , la ird, Ford , H. Freemon , McDan iel, Carpenter , Robertson , Boyd, Mills. Couch , Gray, Doran, O 'Neal , Barron, Moore, Dennis, Wh ite, Woods, Stroud, K. Bolls, Pearce , Packer, Pitman. FIFTH ROW: Bailey, MtCown , Kent , Simmons. Pickens, Smock, Anderson, Ristau, J. Bolls , Tuml inson, Hedrick, West , Boke r, Combs, Shewmaker , Hunter .