1964-1965 Yearbook

INSIMILES. FRONT ROW: Paine, Cook, Thayer. SECOND ROW: Cobb, Taylor, Stone, Rittenour. THIRD ROW: Allison, Koger, Orr, Grandi, Graddy. FOURTH ROW , Stroughn , Smith, Prior, Mackey. RECORDING every week, the A Cappella Chorus lopes Hymns from the Ha rding Campus 10 be distributed 10 rodia stations across the country. SMENC . FRONT ROW: Huddleston , Starkey, Fagan, Freemon , Ritchie, Crew, Bixler, Thayer. SECOND ROW: Jennings, A. Smith, Tipton, Tillmon , Baggett (sponsor). D. Smith, Rittenour, Wolfe. THIRD ROW: Kay Smith, Stroughn, Wear, Simmons, Ganus, Gooden, Koren Smith. FOURTH ROW: Boles, Bridges, Boils, Chester, Tucker, Orr. 171