1964-1965 Yearbook

SIGMA TAU SIGMA Folksinging entertainment highlights club function SIGMA TAU SIGMA. TOP ROW: Sears (sponsor), Batemon, Bradburn, B. Clark, C. Clark. SECOND ROW: Coslon, Couch, R. Craig, W. Craig, Florence. THIRD ROW: George, Geurin, Gibbs, Hendrick, Hillon. FOURTH ROW: Keichline, Kelly, McFadden, Malone, Manuel. THIRD ROW: Norton, Skinner, Stanley, Stokes, Toms, Westbrook. An active year was begun by Sigma Taus with a party at the home of the sponsor, Dr. Jack Wood Sears. This party was in honor of the new men on campus to give them an opportunity to become acquainted with club members. After a hectic week of pledging and after a rigorous informal initiation, fourteen pledges joined the veteran members in planning the activities of the year. On December 5, the club brothers and their dates enjoyed a delightful evening at the pumping station. The occasion for this gathering was the third function. Ellen McCauley sang to her own guitar accompaniment for the enjoyment of those present. The annual banquet was held at Anderson's Restaurant in Beebe, March 13. Throughout the year, the members competed in various intramural sports contests and also enjoyed many other types of activities together. The spring ou ling gave an opportunity to enjoy fellowship with one another and to enjoy outdoor activities including hiking, playing games, and picnicking. OFF ICERS. Bradburn, Pres.; Keichline, Vice· Pres.; C. (lark, Sec., Westbrook, Treas.; Dr. Jock Wood Sears, Sp~sor. TAKING l ime ouf from a Sunday afternoon basketball practice. Sigma Tau's discuss teom strategy for the upcoming basketball season .