1964-1965 Yearbook

·ng at Wyldewood is one of Pioneer events up to dat@ on Pioneer activities, members John Sunderland Heath check the all clubs' bulletin board in the student inn. in keeping with their fronti er spmt a third fun ction excursion to Camp IVvltlpwnnn Members and their dates enj oyed weinel's, eating, singing, and talking the campfire. Mark Miller and Ellen special entertainers for th e evening, a musical note to the occasion . Enthusiasm and ability gave Pioneers success club nthletic events for tJ1e yea r . In sma ll competition Pioneers fini shed as one of the th ree clubs in ragtag football, softb alL vol - and bowling. pledges assisted their exalted pledgein fine fashion throughout pledge week )X'rforming specified duties. Pledge week was tn a climax by the feared rough initiaPioneer pledges were not di sa ppointed; members prepared an evening that try rven the braves t pledge, but all came with fly ing colors. p FAll: Hockett, Pres.; Gambrell. Vice· Pres.; Sunderland, SPRING, Gambrell, Pres.; Whitehead, Vice- Pres.; Treas. ; Clark Stevens, Sponsor. PIONEER. TOP ROW: Stevens (sponsor), Abney, Brown, Aur! . SECOND ROW: Corter, Clinger, Dooley, Ellingwood. THIRD ROW, Epps, Erickson, Fruzia, Gambrell. FOURTH ROW: Hackett, Howthrone, Heath, Hendrix. FIFTH ROW, Hoadley, Miller, Roy, Rutledge. SIXTH ROW: Sunde rland, Tooke, Vincent, Webb. 117