1964-1965 Yearbook

) , VIrAL dosplays concern ing the missionary efforts of the Church of Chri st .. of profound interest to Ihe many visitors at the annual foil lectureship. PREPARING Ihe minds of Ihe lectureship guests for a speaker, Eddie Baggett leads the Chorale in a program of religious hymns. Christian edification enlightens our Thanksgiving Intense Bible study fills Harding's Thanksgivin~ week as Christians from all over th e world ather to benefit from the fellowship, ideas and admonitions of other brethren at thi s wellplanned lectureship which is a rich h eritage of Harding College. ";\ly God and 1" was the guiding theme for the ·ll st annual November program in 1964 . Guests came from Z9 sta tes and four fo reign untri es: Germany, Canada , Israel and Japan. Forty outstanding Bible schola rs were fea tured the daily lectures, forums, ciasses, lunch eons dinners during- the four -day session . The IHllrding concert band, a cappella chorus, [chlonlk men's quartet, ladies' ensemble and the chorus performed throughout the Ewning speakers for the lectureship were Lyles. Little Rock; Hugo McCord, OklaCity. Okla.; E. W. McMillan, Santa Ana, and Ira North , Madi son, Tenn. Nightly meetilngs were held simultaneously in the colauditorium and in the colleg-e church of building. INDIVIDUAL instruction and ideas are characteristic of Ihe many small semi nars and classes tho t bring together Ihe great minds of Ihe brotherhood.