1964-1965 Yearbook

ENTERTAINMENT Entertainment fills '65 with laughter and song Entertainment - performances intended to cntcrtain~ amuse, divert, etc. - comes in many forms on the Harding campus. It is provided by students, faculty and professionals in a wide range of programs from dramatic productions such as "Camelot" to the mere joke in the classroom or dormitory. Typical everyday fun is even found in cun"cnt fads such as "surfing" on sidewalk skate boards. BELLE of the dining hall, Corinne Hart sings to accompan iment of Mr. Grover Goyne ond J. D. Rickett and amuses students with her ta lant . IMPISH elf Bob Helslen reads tellers 10 Sonta Clous during the SA's annual Christmas Party just prior 10 the long awaited Christmas break. UNDER the lights at a football game, Harding's marching bond entertained The crowds with music and formations during the holf·time intermission.