1958-1959 Yearbook

• PETIT JEAN. FIRST ROW WeSTbrook, McClellan, Barganier, Patten. SECOND ROW: Mock , Borrell, Harrison, Richardson, Forsee. THIRD ROW, Sutherlin, Gelley, McElroy, RedWine, Parks. FOURTH ROW: Rhodes, Millon, O-Connor, lyon, Genn ings, Walker. FIFTH ROW: Clayton, Harrington, Hightower, Richard. son, Boker, Ackers FUNCTIONAL In creoflng and completing the '59 Pellt Jean was the editorial stoff seared, Barbaro Galyon, cop lions. Judy Parks, pictures; Gory Ackers, headlines; Carolyn Geiley, copy; Kay Wilson, layouts . A new orga ni za tio na l sel-up was in store for the '59 Pe tit Jea n s ta ff as Ma nag ing Ed itor Sall ie Turner a rra nged he r s taf f members. A hiera rchy of workers wa s planned , h eaded by edi to rs wh o we re put in ch a rge of pho togr·a ph y, layo uts, copy, ca ption s, and headlin es. Othe r volunteers we re di vid ed a mon~ th e various scc li () n s~ resulling in one head and oll e or two ass is ta nts fo r eac h di v is ion o f th e book. The s ta ff of 35 plunged in to th e seven months of planning and repl ann ing "v hi ch was in the future fo r th em . Espec ia ll y trying was the Pet it J ea n 's first usc of bl ock ri g h t ca p tions w hi ch in vol ved la borious counting of eac h le tter and space. Anoth er Hfir"C fo r H a rd ing year books was th e new "Student Lirc-· secti on wh ic h ~ unde r the d ir('c lion of ass istant eciitor Pa t Suth erlin. tr ied to show t he typ ica l events in the stud ent 's dai ly life th roug h th e n ine mon ths' sc hool yea r . Socia l clu bs we re a lso t reated diffe rentl y with indi vidua l pictu res fo r eac h member ra th er than th(' g roup pi ctures as used former ly. A s ta f f of seven "sa lesmen " Il ei ped Joe lli ghtowrr, Bu s in ess Ma nage r, sell pages of adverti sements for the book. Coll ec ti on t ime fo r th e payment for class portrai ts was c u t in ha lf thi s year as stud ents elec ted to pay th e fcc duri ng t he reg istra tion lin e at the beg inning of th e sem es ter .