1958-1959 Yearbook

Stories ass igned ... deadlines set ... copy edi ted . headlines written ... linotype set up ... galley proofread . . . pages made up . .. pages proofed paper printed ... Bisons pi cked up by the in the student center. So went the proevery week in putting out the Biso n . Each 2,200 copies were printed, 1,000 of which were to 46 states and e ight foreign countries. Making this wide di stribution possible was a hard- _k,',nIT editor and staff. The editor and business iIII1,ag.,r were selected las t spring f rom stud ent apAt the beginning of the year , th e editor her staff and editors a fter per sona l intervi ews earh individual. Coopera tion, past ex peri ence, lots of time to work wer e specific qu alifica tions. year the staff was organi zed into com pl ete de- _menl with an editor to head each uni t. Besides publishing the newspaper the Bison sta ff in other varied activities . In th e sports they sponsored the All-S tar Football and Basgames. They also went to two conventions, the rail and the spring, of the Arkansas College tions Association. The socia l event of the included a staff party and a banque t for the -,,,",,, and their dates. \} .\\- . , THREE Bison ed itors, lynn Merr ick. Sora Good.. a nd Benn ie Porter, examine another college new spaper for ideas 10 improve the Bison . fiRST ROW- Hightower, C, V inther, Maddox , Forsee , Harrison, Crews, Huckabee. SECOND ROW, Boch, Wo ller, Knore, Good , Cl aypool , Slone, Waters . ROW Smith, Plan k, New, Dook , Pr itchett, Davis , Peacock . fOURTH ROW, Wallace, Merr ick , Read, Richa rdson , Conley, Walker , Lyon , Bo i ley . Hightowe r, E., Po rter , Ackers. Cosey. ( Illy . 109