1958-1959 Yearbook

uperior students promote aid and Harding\ Student Assoc ia ti on. led thi s yeal' by \\, ilslIIJ. is a wc ll org-a ni zcd and smoo thl y funcIInit which inrlurlcs ('ve ry ll ardin g; student. r\Crllrnt cooperaLi on of th e Cabinet-Coull c il - Bod.¥" org-ani zalioll prov id es a max imum of t machinery and a mininlum of sand . Tn - in the go" ernment,,1 as pec ts of th e Stud ent ion arC' slich th'in gs as convent ions, commitand iHlrqU8lC representa tion in all arcas a ffcctstucirnts. fa cult y, and admini strators. Stlldrnl Association is al so a medium in which t social life is emph as ized and enjoyed . Ga la par·tics arc often staged and th e interludes arc usuall y full of other acti vities such as V of conLes ts. good Saturday ni g ht movies, esnbcrant Pcp Club whi ch gen er a tes an 1l11l0unt of game -lime spiril. the din of gove rnmental and soc ial ac tivity Ass{J('iation stresses re l ig ious valu es , helping to in the highes t poss ible e thi ca l and moral nil the camrus ~ and engages in many \ rrviec projects throug hout th e year. Sludrnl Association is con s tantl y a t work in eHurt Lu build for Ilarding, her peopl e a nd her and has, again Lhi s year. proved itself as a and an indi spensab le organ serving Il arding. innovations OFFICERS of the studenl govern ing body, president John Wilson , vice-president Gory Peddle and secrelory - treasurer Mary Red· wine encouraged and guid· ed the student body inlo a better understanding of all the purposes and ideals of the college. Wilson introduced a budget to be implemented by next fa ll. r 07