1958-1959 Yearbook

STUDENT COUNCIL MEMBERS. STEP; Pete Williams, fro a nd FI RST STEP: Gayle Bob Silvey, soph. Claunch a nd Benny Stephens , srs. FOURTH STEP: Georgie Claypool. SECOND STEP: Carole Thomos, j r. and Dr. Cla r k Stevens, sponsor . THIRD fr .• Kirsten Chri sten sen. soph., and Benn ie Porter, j r.-representati ves. EACH Student Associa t ion cabinet member was an expert in his field LaVonne Thompson as cabineT secretory; Gory Ackers represented the Pay- for. a-Day program; Sue Vin ther publicized elec t ions . Carolyn Hightower and Judy Parks planned enterta i nment and par t ies; Keith Floyd was on pub . lici ty Regma Clary and Sollie Turner were representatives of publications; Ed Hightower co-ordina ted sports and Studen t Association act ivities 106