1956-1957 Yearbook

Members load baggage on the new bus in preparation for a chorus 'trip. This new bus is really grand! Even a special compartment for the chorus director. Students let Brother Baggett out for an on-the-road rook game. Includes Entire Student Body Membership in the SMALL CHORUS is on a competitive basis, with tryouts being conducted at the beginning of each semester by director Eddie Baggett. To remain a member each person must attend all rehearsals, pass all school work, and conduct his life in such a way as not to bring reproach upon the poup. After having been a member of the chorus one can never forget the thrill of singing before hundreds of people in different sections of Arkansas and the nation. Several trips were taken this year, including a nine day tour of Iowa and Illinois. The good times on the bus, the visits in Christian homes, and the nearness felt to God in singing, were uplifting and inspirational to all. Small Chorus - ROW ONE: Knott, Snyder, Arnett, Berryhill, Stafford, Harris, Martin. King, Speak. ROW TWO: Street, Rhodes, Graddy, Neal, Ritchie, Houser, Roberts, Berryhill, Northcut. ROW THREE: Rhodes, Rhodes. Smith, Davis, Casey, Berryhill, Robertson, BurKe, Bryant. ROW FOUR: Camp, Joliff, Howard. Kbodes, Underwood, Valentine, Williams.