1956-1957 Yearbook

Large Chorus - ROW ONE: Rhodes, Speak, Graddy, French, Berryhill, Arnett, Houser, Bolding, Knott. ROW TWO: Bell , Davis, Harris, Berryhil1, Roberts, Anguish, Dykes, Martin, Steep, Stanley, McDougald, Bailey, Stout, Ramsay, Gardner, Martin . ROW THREE: Cope, Stapleton, Mills, Mahan, Green, Sanford, Neal, Ritchie, Street, Knight, Northcut, Billingsly, King. ROW FOUR: Lacy, Rhodes, McLure, Robertson, Casey, Davis, McNeese, Caldwell, Stafford, Snyder, Cope, Lawson. ROW FIVE: JolliU, Rhodes, Smith, Nevins, Baggett, Williams, Berryhill, Bryant, Simmons. ROW SIX: Matthews, Kersh, Dawson, Camp, Valentine, Williams, Rhodes, Baldwin, Howard, Underwood, Burke. The Academy's Music Program The Academy has one musical organization of which anyone may become a member - the LARGE CHORUS. Formed with the idea of improving congregational singing as well as giving students a musical background, the organization also serves as a training group for the small chorus. Participation Quartet - Rhodes. Jack Gerald Casey, Harold Valentine, Timmy Rhodes. in chapel singing is one evidence of the success of this group. Although taking no tours, as the other musical organizations, this was the group's third year in helping interested students improve their singing. Approximately sixty students, directed by Eddie ·Baggett, compose this group. 184 Sextet - Nancy Knott, Betty Ritchie, Pat Street, Kay Northcutt, Billie Rhodes, Rosie King.