1954-1955 Yearbook

Big Ten Champions, The Badgers - KNEELING: Big Ten All-Stars - KNEELING: Boyd Garner, Pete Stone, Harold Norwood. STANDING: Winfred Wright. Jerry Perrin, Dave Richards, Lehman Hall, Calvin Downs. Bobby Brown, Carron Eades. STANDING: Boyd Garner, Bill Stafford, Dave Richards. John Vanderpool, Keith Stotts. In the Big Ten league, the smooth playing Badgers captured the crown. This flashy quintet was led by lanky Dave Richards and ace floorman Boyd Gardner. Runner-ups in the league were the Wolverines, a potent team guided by Jerry Perrin. The class tournament always offers that extra spark of excitement to Harding's number onc sport. This year the Seniors staunchly defended their title, humbling the Sophomores 71 -60 for the championship. Perrin and Richards go high for a rebound in the All-Star Game. Class Champions, The Seniors - KNEELING: Ken Perrin, Doyle Border, Lehman Hall. STANDING: Keith Stotts, Bob Nossaman, Jim Tuttieton. NOT PICTURED: Don Brown, Paul McCullough, Joe Mattox. 58 Basketball Jim Smith fires one up Cor the Wolverines in a thriller with the