1954-1955 Yearbook

Football AU·Stars - KNEELING: Kenny French, Jerry Perrin, Guy Vanderpool, Ken Perrin. STANDING: Joe Mattox, Jim Shurbert, Garrett Timmerman, Harold Vanderpool, Bill Path, Jesse Keathley. NOT PICTURED: Glenn Davis, Ken Still. Doyle Border. AII·Stars lose To Aggies In Rough Game In the top game of the fall, the Aggies showed their heels to the All-Stars and won 25-12. Garrett Timmerman, Jim Sherbert, and Harry Boggs continually broke through the All-Stars team for long gains. On defense the Aggies were even tougher, limiting the All-Stars to very few yards. The Aggie defense was spearheaded by Tom Parrish, Jerry Perrin, and Jesse Keathley. Barry Boggs circles end Cor the second Aggie touchdown. Slow down, Border, they've already got your flag. Bill Path circles end Cor the All·Stars as Harold Vanderpool blocks Bob Jolliff. Harry Boggs is stopped by the AII-Star's Harold Vanderpool as Kenny French looks on. ; ~ u