1954-1955 Yearbook

toG row Thr 0 ugh W 0 rk, PI a Y, and Servic e Beta Club - ROW ONE: Jamie Stanford, Charlotte Singleton , Mrs. Inez Pi ckens , Ann Bowman, Charlene Harris, Mary Turman, Bettye Ritchie, Peggy Robertson. ROW TWO: Don Berryhill, Dwight Smith, Perry Mason, Lou Alice Martin, Bunny Norris, Claudette DuBois, Janet Lawson. ROW THREE: Sam Kitching , Roy Vanderpool , John VanWinkle, Freddy Massey, Jack Rhodes, Gerald Casey, Edward Ritchie. After the six weeks tes ts were over, th ere \1\'a 5 always a small knot of studen ts gather ed around a sheet of paper on th e bulletin boa rd . Why all the attention ? Tha t sheet of 'paper conta ined the names of the member s of th e BETA CLUB, a na tional honorary club . Mrs. Pickens is th e sponsor of thi s cl ub w ith F r eddy Massey as pr es ident, Roy Honor Students Bettye Ritchie Ger ald Casey 163 Va nderpool as v ice-president, and Cha rl ene Harris as secr etar y- treasurer . It is a r ea l hon or to become a member and a fi ght to stay in thi s club. A nin ety average must be maintain ed for two consecutive six week periods to become a member; to remain a m ember the same average is required. An annual event for thi s group is a brea kfast on Bacca laurea te ITIOrnlng.