1954-1955 Yearbook

Various Activities Provided an 0 Key Club - ROW ONE: Richard Stackhouse, Perry Mason, Roy Vanderpool, Freddy Massey, Bobby House, Sonny Todd. ROW TWO; John Gibbons, Alan Highers, Guy McHand, James Oram, Mavis Baldwin, Harold Haskell, Angelo Padilla, Eulice Currington, Alvin Cashion. ROW THREE: Sam Kitching, Kenneth Dram, Jim McLeod, Jimmy Williams, Wayne Rice, Jack Rhodes. The KEY CLUB, our service club at the Academy, is affiliated with the Kiwanis club. This club is only four years old yet it has made many additions to our life in the Academy . For example, this year the math room needed some way to display its work so the Key Club chipped in to give the needed display case to the school. They worked Citizenship Club - ROW ONE: Loreta Huffard, Peggy Robertson, J. E. Berryhill, Mary Turman. ROW TWO: Freddy Massey, Alan Highers. hard in order to be able to give the athletes a banquet. At the football and basketball games, Key club members were always behind the concession stand selling pop corn and candy, and when ever there was an Academy activity they helped to sell tickets. Mr. Mason is the sponsor of this group with Freddy Massey as president, Roy Vanderpool as secretary, and Bobby House as treasurer. Five seniors chosen for their ability of leadership make up the CITIZENSHIP CLUB. The objective of this club is to aid in the improvement of studentfaculty relations and to make the Academy a more enjoyable place in which to live and work. During the year the club was in charge of several chapels where problems were brought up and discussed by the students. Mr. Berryhill, the sponsor, worked with the club in writing a constitution that will go into effect next year.