1949-1950 Yearbook

Sl6MA TAU was organized in the fall of 1947, with six charter members: Melvin Elliott, Wayne Hordin, Hal Hougey, Harold McDonald, Vernie Shr.ble, and Rodney Wald. Taking as a theme the ponoply described in Ephesians, chapter 6, they .... up the familiar equilateral triangle design with • sword and the Greek letters Sigma Tau Sit...· A favorite pastime seems to be stag weiner roods, which the fellows have often. The choral lIucIio w.s the milieu for the annual party this yur, .t which Pledge Abney was Master of CerelIMNIits and at the same time entertained three 4Iotos. Deluxe hamburgers, punch, and luscious ....m.d. chocol.te chip cookies were the fare . The .nnu.1 all.day outing this year was at C.mp T.kod.h. SIGMA TAU OFFICERS President - VERNIE SHRABLE Vice-President - - JOHNNIE BROWN Secretory.Treasurer HENRY DEETER Top row: Bill William,. Henry Deeter, Gerald Hindri., Robert Abney, Ori$ Bryoot. Bottom row : Leder Balcom, Vernie Shrable. Johnnie Brown. Not pictllr.d : Som Roach, Po' Phelps, Eddie Campbell, Clifford Payne, Hoi HOYgey, Kay MOler, Robert Webb (sponlor).