1949-1950 Yearbook

Top row: lIoydene SoIInder$on, Robbe McCoilleb, M...,y Kolltherine King, Mrs. Joe Pryor, sponsor, Jo "lin Cook, Janelle Bennett, Helen Knollve. Bottom row: FoIIye HoIIre, Julioll Belue, L"Vonne 81"ckmon, Veroll Young, MoIIrthoil Woody, Helen KoIIrnes, Jean Gibbons. Not p i ctu red : Esther Fletcher, Lorene Nichols, La Velie Sewell, SoIIlIy Jo Chesshir, Verollnne HoillJ. REGINA FALL OFFICERS President Vice~ President Secretory~Treasurer Song Leoder VERANNE HALL LA VELLE SEWELL LLOYDENE SANDERSON MARY KATHERINE KING SPRING OFFICERS President - Vice-President Secretory-Treasurer Song Leoder 7b - - - - VERA YOUNG FAYE HARE MARY KATHERINE KING LLOYDENE SANDERSON THE REGINA Club was organized in 1947 when, due to a larger enrollment, there was a need for additional social clubs. Mrs . Joe Pryor was elected sponsor by the fifteen charter members. The word Regina means queen. At the Inter-club party for Freshman girls, the talented Reginas presented a typical Negro minstrel show. Reckon Lorene ever got her case to a higher court? Banquets can be fun unless your name is Julia Belue and someone steals all your money. Anyway the Reg inas were all "hooped up" for their banquet and with their dates in bow t ies they truly depicted their theme of an Old Fashioned Banquet. In the Spring , they packed their lunch and went to Petit Jean for the day.