1949-1950 Yearbook

Top 'ow : Morgoret See, Wilmo Rogers, Esther Mitchell (sponsor), Winifred Richord$on, Shirley Wen. Midd le row: Glo,io Milton, Jone Neltl, Doris Hltrmon, lerline Westmorelond, Borbltrlt Mllns, Jelln Gltrrison, Anitlt Fltye Crouch, Bottom row: Ruby Todd, ~Aildred See. Not pictu red : Joyce Westmorelltnd, lenorlt Rltglltnd, Joy Smith. EVELYN MORRIS, Ophelia Richardson, Edith "'ves, and Genevieve Henry were charter memlien 01 the OEGE Club organized in 1947. The ..titution adopted by the club was written by mtyn Morris. It was based upon principles which .....Id govern the everyday lives of Christians. Esther Mitchell, college nurse, was chosen as tilt dub 'ponsor. Incidentally, the club project is t. donat. annually to the infirmary something to th. ,tress and illness of the patients there and brighten the appearance of the infirmary. n. spirit of love and fellowsh ip prevails and i. ollered to those of the club who may need overcoming their problems . o E G E FALL OFFICERS Pres iden t Vice-President· MARGARET SEE WILMA ROGERS Secret ary Treasurer President WINIFRED RICHARDSON JANE NEAL WINTER OFFICERS Vice-Presiden t - WILMA ROGERS - MILDRED SEE WINI FRED RICHARDSON - JANE NEAL Secretary Treasurer - 73