1949-1950 Yearbook

MEA OFFICERS President AUDREY McGUIRE Vice· President . VELDA TURNER Secretary.Treasurer VONDA GIFFORD THE MU ETA ADELPHIAN social club wa. formed in the fall of 1938 by a merger between the Adel· phian and part of the Ko Jo Kai social clubs. They chose Mrs. Florence Jewell as their sponsor and when she resigned in 1946, Mrs. Andy Ritchie, succeeded her. The MEA. are easily recognized by their attractive black and white jackets. Formal initiation ceremony was held in the choral studio this year. The ceremony was impres. sive and the refreshments delicious. Audrey McGuire entertained the MEA••t her home for their Christmas party. They exchanged gifts and had a delightful time. Their winter banquet was at the Rendezvous and they used Valentine decorations. Top row : IoA rs, Arldy Ritchie (sponsor), Jo Ann Cooly. Velda Turner , Vond" Gifford. Bottom row: p.,uline linsky, Ro mono Osborn, Audrey McGuire. Slife-h Kerr. Not pictured : Peorle Mahan, MIIfY Pritchord, lou in' Da le, lucille Hancock, Ludene Slatton. Roberto Lee. . 72