1949-1950 Yearbook

S T A F F AND MAINTENANCE TOP ROW Mrs. lesli. Bur~.-Post Office Clerk. Ann Cart.r-Secr et~ry to Director of Student Pe rsonnel. V.lma O. ... is-Secretary to Director of Public Relations. Mrs. Pearl Dodd-Ojelai"n. Mrs. John L.. Dyk.s-MaMger, College Book Store. Florence McKer lie-Cashier. SECOND ROW John Mason-Executive Secretllry of Alumni Assn. Mrs. E. C. Miller-Dining Holi. E. C. MiII.r-Dining Holi. Elth.r Mitc.hell-College Nurse. Margu.rite O ' San ion-Secretary to President. Maxi n. O ' San ion-Secretliry to Dean. 130 THIRD ROW Mrs. Joseph E. Pryor-Secretory to Business Ma nager , Gr.g Rhodes- MMoger, College Laund ry. Carl N.t.r-Execuli ... e Asst . to the President. John Schrade- Field Representative. ludene Slatton-Assistant Regist,,,,. Lewis Stok.s-At· CQuntent. BOTTOM ROW Rob.rt Street-Mllnoger. College Form. Doyl. Swain-As· sistant to Corl Neter. H.~ .n rester-Stenographer. Mrs. J. T. Traylor-MMager. College Inn . Elb.rt Turm.n-Chief Engineer. Setty Ulr.y-Sec.retary to Director of Alumni t\ssn.