1949-1950 Yearbook

Top low ANDY T. RITCHIE Music h. fISh dll ily his sincere devotion to Lo<d. KATHRYN RITCH IE High School Mlithemlitics on. of the worthy women of our JACK WOOD SEARS IS . M.S.. Ph.D. Biology . ndly personillity whose in terests f*l ple, plllnts end IInimills. KERN SEARS LS ~ .5 .. Ph.D. Physicil l Science to be different lind tell us how succeed. Will d ou btless go vi II his bOllt or new green Middle low EDWARD. SEWELL B.S., M.A. High School PrincipII I An enthusiostic professor oble not only to teoch but to teoch others to teach. BILL SKILLMAN B.S., B.F.A., M.A. Speech, Dramatics A contagious lough; a turtle-neck sweoter. on d Othello. E. R. STAPLETON B.A.• M.C.E.. Ed.D. Business With the p/!lSSing of the age-old custom of apples for the teacher he has wisely started growing his own . RUBY L. STAPLETON B.A., M.A. English And still her students wonder how one smlll1 head can cllrry 1111 she knows. SoHo rn Row ANN SEWELL High School Music Accomplished in music. reserved in mllnner. M". ARMSTRONG B.A. Dean of Women Emeritus Still our inspirlltion fo r unselfish lind devoted service. D,. SUMMITT B.A., M.A., Ph.D. Registrar, Educlltion A jolly good fellow whose interests are educlltional, psychologiclll and community. CLIFF GANUS B.A.• M.A. History. Socilll Science An American IIppreciative of his heritoge. history, lind hamburgers. 129