1946-1947 Yearbook

THERMAN RAY HEALY, B.A. Ft. Co llins, Co lorado "lie most lives who lives most lal others." .\J ajor: }Jible ami Nislory Sub-T 16 ' 11. '45. '16, '47, First ~Iat e '46. Skipper '47. Chorus '4-1-, '45, '46. 'n, Cl{'(' Cl ub '4 1, '46. '47 , Small Chorus '45, Dramatic Club ' l-1. '15, '46, -,17. Pr('~ idl'nl '47, CamplI.. Players '46. '47. Alpha Psi Omega '47. President of Sophomore Cla~s '46, "C' Clull '45, '46, Vice. Pres. '45, Pres id ent '46, Dehate '45, '46. Who's Who '47, Phvlugruphcr fur Petil J ea n '47, .Favorite Boy '47, Student Preacher. Senior" LOIS ). HEMINGWAY, B.S. O6l roll. Michigan "A u;o(,hy u;om(/ll who clin !ifill, /o( her "rice is jur above rubies:' Major: /-l ome Ecollomics fllinor: Chemistry George P(' pperdinl" Co llege ." I. Ju Go J .. '45. '46. '47. Sce.·Trca .... '46, PrC!'oi(/cnt '47 . Dramati c Club '45, '46. '47, Chorus '45. '46. 'l7, Small Chorus '4:i, '47, <.;lct' Club '46, '47, Intramural:; '46, '47, Who's Who '47, Editor Petit J ean '47, Best AII .' l{oLi ud '47. ~HARLES W. HUDDLESTON, B.S. Searcy, Arkansas "AI! "Hub/c am' CQur/cOllS gentlemarl. \Iajor : Chemistry ~ Ii nor: \/athematics (llid Ph ysics Clar"~on Co llege of T{'chn()log~ . ~3, Gaur... ~7, Campus Pla}t'r~ '39. 'W, '11 , Alpha P.. i Omt'~J '39, 'n, [qut's lrian Club '39, \ icc·Pres. Alpha Psi Omega '17, Armed Se n ice ' H.'l5.