1946-1947 Yearbook

BILLY eLAY HARRIS, B.A. Jonesboro. Arkansos "fle recoj:fI;:'C(/ God if! his SOli } miff (lcted:' \Iajor; IJiblc (t/Ill lI istur), \l inor : English (;raduatr Frt·ed· Jlard cman ' 1;;. T.~ .T. ' II . '16. ' '7, Vi('(·· Pr ('~. "n. Gt{"(' Club '4l. Chunl <; 'I I. ' 16, 'n, Dramati c Club ' 16. l)e lm1t ' 2nd Plac(' Alid ·South '4 1, Stat e (:1).('hal1ll)iol1 indi vidual llward '\7, Arkan"-/J i!\ Club ' 11. '16. \VI\(I' ~ Who "7, Bw; irw..." l\ l anagr r 01 Petit Jell l1 '47, Student Preacher. Seniord MARYANN HAZLET, B.A. Hudson, Colorado "A (' hecr/1I1 tem/le' joined wilh illllocence," ~ l ajvr: Ell g/ish )Iinor : lI istory fwd ,)/ llsic li lli " of Dt' lI vl' r 'I I. Gala '45. '16. ' Ii. :;i('('rClory '15. Pr t'" idenl '46. " C ' ClII I, ' l.S, '46, Vier. PreIO . '46, Chnru .. '4.'1, "16, ' H , Smal l CllOrw.. '47, Organ i.~atiu ll Ed itor Pel it J ea n '17. THELDA MAY HEALY, B.A. Ft. Collins, Colora do "For the bellu ty of (I/o l}el) WOII/fllI i.~ like IIIlIsic." ;\Iajor: E'lglish 1\li nor: Social Sciellce JII Go Ju '4 ~, '45, ' 16, '47, Presi. dellt '46, Choru s ' l-L Gke Club ·Il.. Dramal ic Club ' Il, 'i5, '46. ' 17, Campu., Players ' IS, '46, '47, Sec.. ·Treus. Sl)phomorc ClalO lS '116, P('lil J ('a n Quee n Attendan l '46, '47, Cia <;s Editor Pc-li l J ea n '47. Alplut Psi Omega '47.