1942-1943 Yearbook

APRIL CALENDAR * 3-TNT outing. 9-Annuol Track and Field most visoble resul t is a noses. Day observed; the throng of blistered 13-Freshmon edition of the Bison- on GREEN paper. IS-"Hording Day" observed in memory of James A. Harding . 17-Alpho Thetas go to Camp Tohkodoh for ou ting . 24-Lombda Sigma's ou t to Letona; KOinonia Club goes on outing. THE IDEAL SHOP Rcad y-to-Wem' G"cetiug Card s Gifts MRS. 'EA t PHONE 16 :> STERLING'S 5c to $ 1.00 Stor e * "Jrl h ere Prices R each T llPir Lowest Level" * Pay Less for Bette r Qualit y C OMPLIME N T S OF ICE CREAM Not /J Fad. . B".t 1I Food Eat a Di sh E ver y Day M. M_ GARRISON J ewe ler Watch Re pairing Optome tri st ' Ves t Side S(IUarc SEARCY, ARKANSAS MAY CALENDAR * l-Gotos go to Letona. 4- Ju Go Ju May Fete. 6--Musica/ lyceum given by Jewell and laos. 8-L. C. outing to Camp Tohkodoh. IS-Ju Go Ju club has big " to do" and W.H.C. girls hove banquet at Mayfair. 20--Miss Holtzendorff presents students in piano recital. 22- President's reception for seniors. 23-Baccalaureate address. 25-26--Final examinations. 26-Annual homecoming day. 27- Commencement exercises.