1942-1943 Yearbook

J . F . MOYE & SON MERCANTILE CO. FURNITURE NORGE PRODUCTS GROCERIES MOLI NE IMPLEMENTS HARDWARE Phone 296 POWELL & CO. Department Store " Ever ything in R eady.to·W ear to Meet Every S tudent's N eed " MARCH CALENDAR (Con tinued ) * 13-R.F.C. banquet ot Mayfair ho te l. I S-Speech festival officially begins with reoding o f Constitutional essays. "POPDY" Rhodes given birthday coke. J6-Chapel vote token f or strawberry king and Queen. 17-Brother Rhodes speaks in chopel and runs over time a little. IS-Multitudinous rain! Compliments of a FRIEN D 19-"Arsenic and Old Lace" given for soldiers o t oirbose near Newport. 20-Junior-senior banquet. 21-Spring begins, really! Victory gardeners begin to look for their overalls. 22-Several cases of measles show up on Harding compus; Ed ith lyn Thompson was the fir st victim. 23-Library filled ta capaci ty with courting couples. 24-Borker and Love meet Lipscomb debaters. 2S-"Birdology" closs makes itself conspi cuous by rooming campus and observing birds. 26--Woyne Smethers vi sits friends here, wh ile on leave from Comp Forrest, Tennessee. 27-Sub-T club goes to Bee Rock for outing. 28-R. C. Bell begins 8-day meet ing ; Tillmon -McKinney wedding in Preside'1t's home. 29- Benson gives results of his week 's trove1-$7,- 000. 30--Dramatic club rol1s up sleeves in preparati on for Apri1 produc t ion. CALUMET TEA AND COFFEE COMPANY • 4 09·11 West Huron Street CHICAGO, ILLINOIS MODER BEAUTY SHOP Popular . . Conveni e nt Location RAMSEY PRINTING CO. " 0", The S quarp" PERSONALIZED STATIONERY A SPECIALTY E. W. RAMSEY, Owne r Searcy, Arkansas 1.'::::=====