1938-1939 Yearbook

CECIL GARRISON Searcy Candidate for B. S. Degree Mdjor : Social Science and Education Scuthwesrern University '36, '37, '38; Arkansas Club '39; "H " Club '39; Basketball '39; Academy Track Coach '39. "YOllng fellows will be fellows." MA.XINf. BRITTELL Santa Rosa, California Candidate for B. A. D egree Major: English arid Spanish Ju·Go·Ju Junior '36; Ko.Jo·Kai '37, '38; Pres1dent Ko·Jo·Klll '38; Mu Etta Adclphian '39; Secretary· Trcasunr Mu Ena Adelphians '39; Press Club '38; Columnist Bison '38; Mixed Chorus '39; Ph otography Club '39; Art Club '39; Custodian Missionary For · um 37, '38, '39. "Wah a smile that glowed celestial rosy red, IOH."~ proper hue," JmlllH J. H OPPER Searcy Candidate for B. S. Degree Major: Biology Arbn~s Club '36, '37, '38, '39; Dramatics '36, 38; Assistant Chief Engineer. 11 rk j( the greatest thing in the world 7hlrdf.,rc In' should save it for tomoTTOW."