1938-1939 Yearbook

R. T. CLARK Union City, T en neSJee Candidate for B. S. Degree Major: Biology T('nnrssee Club '36, '37, '38, '39; President Ten· nessee Club '39; Koinonia Club '36; TNT '37, '38; " H " Club '36, '38, '39; Vice· President Junior dass '38; Track Coach '37, '39; Assistant Track Coach '36, '38; Captain Track Team '38; Biology Labora· tory Assistant '37, '38 '39. rrA healthy mind in d healthy body." VERTIE LEE DAVIS Morrilt on Candidate for B. S. Degree Major: Social Science and Edu cat ion Sapphonian '37 , '38; President Sapphonian '38; Arkansas Club '37, '38; Press Club '39. "Genteel in perronage, w ndllct, dnd equipage." PAUL E. MILLER judsoma Candidate for B. A. Degree Major: English and Social Science Junior Agricultural College '32; Glee dub '35, '36; Student Preacher. " Edltcation mak.es the man,"