1937-1938 Yearbook

PETIT JEAN BACK ROWlash lee, Spencer, Coach Berryhill, Gurganus, and Hopper. FRONT ROWMock, Walton, and Whitson. RESERVE BASISETBALL With twenty-five men repor ting for baske tball at the opening of the season, Cooch Berryhill divided the group and established the first Reserve Squad in the school's history. Although no gomes away from home were scheduled for the new team, they repor ted for regular prac t ice and frequently scrimmaged the Varsi ty Squad and played practice games wi t h the Academy team. The Reserve Squad, composed mostly ot Freshmen, proved to be a g reat asse t in furnis h ing new ma te rial fo r the Va rsity section several times during the season. Besides this, i t promoted inte rest a nd en t husiasm in baske t ball fo r a grea ter number o f s t udents and offe red an opportunity to all aspi rants for deve lopment into Varsity men. I 9 3