1937-1938 Yearbook

PETIT JEAN BILL BELL Bill, a Freshman, was a four -yea r le tter man for the Academy previous to hi s en ro llment In college and this yeor, he showed p romi se o f developing into a good o ffensive mono Firs t report ing fo r practice with the Rese rve Squad, he received a promot ion to the Varsi ty in the early port of the second quar ter. L. E. PRYOR Pryor wa s the only fre shman to gam 0 position on the Varsity Squad ot the fir s t of the yeo r . He served as a subs t itute cente r. Before entering co llege, Pryor le ttered two yeors on the Academy team. He is considered excellen t material fo r a prospec tive center fo r the Bisons. L. W. HOUSE L. W., a Sophomore transfe r from Ok la homa A. & M. part icipa ted in hi s first college ath le tics th is year a t Harding. House s to rt ed the seasen as a member of the Reserve Squad but was promoted to the Varsity sho rtly afte r the season began . He was forced to quit the squad due to an operati on, but is regarded as a n excellent prospec t fo r next yea r. I 9 3