1937-1938 Yearbook

PETIT JEAN L. C. SEARS PH. D. Dean o f Admin istra t ion Dr. Sears, dean o f Hard ing Coll ege a nd head of the Engl ish department IS noted among both s tude nts and teachers for h is wide ra nge of knowl edge, his tact, and hi s versat ility. Dean Sears has been assoc ia ted with Ha rd ing College and the s imilar schools from which it sprang , s ince 1908. He is a native of Indiana , but at an early age moved to Oklahoma wh ere he first came in contact with the school at Cordell and remained the re until he graduated in 19 18. He has held hi s present posi ti on s ince 1924 , the year of the founding o f Harding College at Morrilton . I 9 3