1934-1935 Yearbook

L O. Sande rson Frances Ruby Lowery Maunne L. Rhodes ALUMNI ASSOCIATION TO THE ALUMNI Presiden t Vice - President Secre tory-T r eOSlU e r By deeds we judge, by fruit s we know, and by products we value. Therefore , as the Alumni are, so is the reputati on of the Alma Moter. To su nsh ine and shower, all nature is indebted; to parents we are grateful for life and ability; and 10 our mother school we owe much for our knowledge, char - ac ter, and possibilities . Hence, ours is a two- fold obliga tion : Firs t , to represent well the ins titution that helped to make us; and , secondl y, to fee l keenly a responsibility for her con - tinued existence and se rvice May thi s be the attitude gratefully shared by all who hail from the halls of Harding . - L. O. Sanderson