1934-1935 Yearbook

HARDING COLLEGE Because of recent acquisition of the old Galloway College property at Searcy by Harding College, the available buildings and equipment of the institution have been almost doubled, and the growi ng pains that the school has been experiencing during the post few yea rs because of c ramped q ua rt e rs will now be eased for some t ime. After much s truggling , Hard ing College become a standard four-yea r institution when Mi ss Frances Ruby Lowe ry, who is now associate professor of Engli sh the re , was graduated and received a stand - a rd A. B. degree. With th e growth in educational sta nd ing come a growth in enrollment, until the col lege now draws its s tudents from Canada and Old Mexi co, and more than twen ty States in the Union, reachi ng from California, New Mex ico and Colorado, to Rhode Is land, Florida, New York and Mi ch iga n . The phenominal growth of the college through these eventful yea rs has been possibly only through the loyalty of its s tude nts a nd teache rs. Business men a nd friends of the school gave it their unqualified support . The heaviest individual sacrifice , however, has been mode by the fa c ulty, who in addition to contribut ing indirectly about $ 10,000.00 each yea r by teaching for lowe r sa laries tha n they could secure elsewhere, hove put into the school directly out of thei r sa lari es approximately $60,- 000.00 in the post te n yea rs . Such loya lt y can ha rdl y be duplicated.