1933-1934 Yearbook

Art students prefer pastels and oil paints this year. but cha rcoJI wale r colors arc also pop ulJr China painting may be seen and tapestries. plaques and glorifit glass worl-. which also claim tilt .1(tenlion of many slUdrnts ' Biology stude n ts make some mi croscopic st udies u nder the diK,- tions of Professor Bell . JJ\'I~ Allen in the music studio po for her picture as she fi nishtl playing ,Skeleto ns. bonn and butterflies-all a part of tilt biological scie nce collection l r pictu red in the corner of tilt biology department. The bntt and other equipment .ue n shown in the picture small portion of the stack r shows some sociology and mlth ematies books, Profess. Stapleton gives a speed test! one of his typi ng classes In the voice studio a rc ev id ~ 1I that P rofessor Close has m some att ractive melal pi ece pieces whose simplicity adds t tbe dig n ity of the place l represents hou rs of pal ien! fort.. Whe n the spi rea is bloo m , Harding's ca mpus looking its best. Back of th shrubs rises the stately admi tration buildi ng, the conm colors making it sta nd p rominently either by sunl" or moonlight .. , The Col Club with its well-l ighted dL ing hall is always an altUCl place. Tables for six invitt t students to meals whose sm and variety can not be u,r The picture of th~ reroom shows a studious I who did not know they ... be "caught in the act." Pr nent individuals in this i are severa l of the freshmen A familiar corner of the bu office concludes the pJge.