1933-1934 Yearbook

Is P ro fessor Owe n so me of his go ld en utes ' long Boy Da vis his dai ly doze n W ill ht King t urn Sevcdge? r Jnd Peppers are a pitif ul Kinn ingham p repa res his Prof. Rhodes loa ds her m . while Juani ta an d W . F. By t he o f the Hard - P rofesleft Feli x . Beware 'IU bushes next lime. Beth I.ove. oh love. oh loveless Jac kson and Chesshi r ~ \bry 's molto is "Good to drop" . Heffingto n m re digni ty than some up - b mrn Eve n Smitty Sub T d reams :lilt true .. Furr. Olson. Tlylor hike fo r their hea lth Dr Coons takes h is baby Inlk . Trent was enough Mary Goodwin sIll il e .. siste rs pause by a Three is a crowd Bu ulious . and Susie- , Gertrude . and Dona S On and by the perYu, we are the Hobar t W.llden and Nova don 't r tump speeches. but oh dinners . Ju st one Dunn and Bill y