1931-1932 Yearbook

expostulate at banquet. Seniors commence work on gym floor project. Quartet sings over KTHS. Wainwright, Ruby, and Brewer speak at Thanksgiving services. It is observed that some of our young men are already discussing the dangers of approaching Leap Year. UThe nln that brief December day Rose cheerless o'er the hills of grey." The ugrizzled Canadian whaler" spends a week on our campus . HRed" Small takes dry-land plunge from Sonny Boy's Taxi. James White, Sioux Indian lectures on evangelization of his people. Harding Basketeers divide two-games series with Violet Hill. "Magic Star of Bethlehem" presented by Primary Grades. Students witness production «The Goose Hangs High" and retire for the quarterly cramming. Goodbye to classes for three weeks' vacation. Santa brings toys, and neighbors send Christmas dinner to Harding orphanage. Business office is remodelled. "No blasts this January to blow you through and through." New year! New students! And new inspiration through addition of Brother George Benson to faculty. Scott Sheridee brings inspiring lecture on church's opportunity among the Indians. Dean Sears and Miss Walker begin arduous task of creating new landscape for stage. HMonday Nite speech" throws further light on 'itch 'iking experiences of His Majesty, UKing George." Balmy holiday breezes bring thrills to his "Royal Highness" as he bunks under bare oak near highway. Ruth Snow departs for home, leaving AI' Murphy plumb Ruth-less. ULeap year coming once in four February now has one day more." Dorotha Majors and Glenda Belle Saylors demonstrate their linguistic superiority in State Forensic Tourney. Professor Rhodes displays vigor of youth as he chaperones Frosh to Cedar Park. Benson delivers illustrated lectures on Far East. uS t . Valentine is past." Several co-eds emerge from Beauty Salon in flaming red. Faculty basketeers provide thrills for enthusiastic rooters. Professor Owen delves into the unknown to elucidate on the mysteries of the fourth dimension. (tW. H. C." visits the boys' rooms-and this is Leap Year. (Ye Ed. is not permitted to report what prospects were found) _ Ju-Go-Ju enjoys banquet and Harding spinsters celebrate on uthe day."