1931-1932 Yearbook

• Calendar rr 'Tis a bright September morn." Registration and enrollment begin . Many improvements seen on campus-old students well pleased with fish pond, rock garden, and remodelling of reception room. Formal opening-Ben Harding and Judge Strait speak. "Get acquainted and re.acquainted" meeting. Inhabitants of Jenny Hill Hall hear first trips of Charlie's "lumbering milk-wagon." Physical Training Class is organized. Ju-Go-Ju installs lights in library. Thanks. A new club, tIThe Four !H'," appears on the campus composed of only two members, Hazel Hodges and Harold Hilgers. Billy Norris makes first complaint that social hour is too short. Freshmen honored with front seats at chapel. rrOctober turns my maple leaves to gold.' Pioneers blaze trail to river. Cavaliers dismount on hill east of campusminus buns . Dramatic Club officers elected at first meeting. David Gardner atrives after !!thumbing" his way from California. Pep meeting precedes game at Clarksville. Bisons lose to Ozarks 46·6. Clubs initiate new members. Frosh enjoy hike. Bison establishes office in Ad. Building and Petit Jean office is transformed. Bison season ticket campaign is converted into popularity contest. Girls' Glee Club elects officers. Grass on campus catches fire and Brother Armstrong misses Prayer Meeting. Judge Strait delivers first of series of lectures on "Man's Relationship to Law." Crawford Allen postpones Thanksgiving trip-- George Braly looks relieved and has all-day social hour. (For further particulars see Flossie). Harding "H" club is reorganized. Bisons outplay Little Rock Junior College, while Seniors monopolize trade in drinks and confections. Ervin Berryhill is elected basketball captain and Trailmakers outline work for year. Male quattet is organized. Freshmen hike to the river and the social hour bell disappears. The ttW. H. C." entertains new members while UDaughters of Harding" enjoy picnic at Cedar Park. "Sub-T-16" crew embarks at Cedar Park and explores the woods. Harding wins from Fort Smith. "October's tinted days haY< fled No'Vember woods are bare and still." Harding tennis teams defeat Ozarks, and Bisons lose to Arkansas College. Photographer starts making pictures for Petit Jean. Bisons defeat EI Dorado. t(Homecoming" fans witness Bison's 19 to 0 triumph over Jonesboro. The W. H. C.-Cavalier combination wins trophy in parade. Von Allmen and Jack Smart