1930-1931 Yearbook

another "Buck"; Elvin Berryhill, Gardner, and Tucker, outfield men ; and T om Irving, who limits activi ties, respectively, to demonstrations, suggestions, and criticism, in, about, and upon the various positions, proper performances, and weak personnel of the club. The schedule for this spring includes some two dozen games with college and professional teams. To date, four of these games have been played, two wi th Arkansas T ech, Ru ssellville, with scores of 13-1 and 6-1 in favor of H :lrding, and two with Arkansas State T eachers, Conway, the fir st a defeat, the second a victory for the Bisons. In these games HYao ," Duncan, and Hunte r each had a chance and all did nice pitching. Von tossed the first game wit h T ech, holding chern co a si ngle run. In the next game Duncan took the mound, srrik· ing out fifceen men and allowing onl y two hies. Hunter proved that he had some thing up his sleeve when, in the second game wi th the Teachers, his first try of the year, he struck Out ten men, permitted only five hits, and brought the Bisons through with a 3·2 victory. Next year, all the present herd, with the exception of Wade Ruby, who finishes thi s term, will be with us again. With the outlook so favorable for this season, it is safe to proph . esy that 1932 will bring to us unprecede nted recognition in this most popular branch of athletics. .. P-.v ft /. '- -r--- <' 1I~ , / £d'.~ ~j' I~- , ..<Z:-....__. 1 ,. ~F';:k-J-~ , I 0..;, !!f ~ ~ 'i ~~7 ~ -. ,J.... ~v ~. ~ ,