1930-1931 Yearbook

-. BASEBALL Harding students and supporters of athletics have had particularly good reason for unusuall y enthusias tic anticipation of the baseball season this year . Nearly all the veterans of last sea· son arc back in their old positions. Coach Arnold, at every oponunity si nce last September, has been pushing the work he began on the athletic field in the sp ring of '30; and the Athle tic Commirtce, inspired by the per formance of a team that played in every kind of garb last year and by the determina cion and persistence of Coach, has provided new unifo rms for the boys. Among the old-time rs, Duncan and Von Allmen , sou thpaws, and Hunter, a right hander, occupy the mound, with Bradley receiv. mg. "Sipp" Ruby, Va len tine, and Brown di. vide honors around second base and short. Buck takes care of third , and "Hoss" Merrick officiates in the outfield. T hese, with " Pinkie" Berryhill at first base , Cleveland and Ruby in the outf ield- men who were not members of last yea r's club, make an effective combina· tion. They play smooth, fast, defensive ball and know how to slug the old apple. Other recruits are " Joe" Poe (Hansom) and IICasey" J ones, very promisi ng pitche rs; Cham· bers, catcher ; Mills, who has ambitions to Ix