1926-1927 Yearbook

PATTON PRIBA LOWJ::RY MII .LS MATTHEWS GLENN RIIODJ:: (Sponsor) BRAIlIlZSON BLACKSHEAR TODD PADEN SANDERSON GERMAN CLUB The Guman class believes that its organization of a club proves that it is the most interesting foreign language class in school. Memorization of songs and poems gives profitable and i n tere~ting work to the dub memue". and mere conversation becomes myste"iously delightful when carried on in the chosen tongue. Fitting illustrations and tales are told by the sponsor, Professor Glenn, and making puns and coining new German words are characteristic of some in the group , Swede is responsible for the expreesion. "Del' Hund arbeiten del' Bone." Doc frequently coins new wO"ds and adopts phonetic spelling according to his own system of phonetics. Paden mumbles. sighs and gasps in effort to overcome difficulties or lapses of memory, but is often quite .f luenl when he recove rs. Todd is very deliberate and hesitant, while Doby is ever-ready and accurate. Sanderson is in his element when direcling a lusty cho ru s as they sing-, "Du, du liegst mil' im Herzen ." Mills should become an excellent Ge. man ecribe since he can already write almost as well in German as in English. Lucas is accustomed to make appeals for aid to Fraulein Maurine who s its by his side. Warum? Das wollen wir nicht sagen. And when Fraulein Rose-Marie says, "Das ist die \Vahl'heit," Fraulein Ethel agrees with, "Ja, wohl." Page eighty-sevpn