1926-1927 Yearbook

: HAZLET MURPHY UIlBEIl DART BEAN ACKEHS HAHBIN SMAlll' EVANS MENDI,N HALL HIGIITOWEIl CAHONEH ACKEHS Jom:s CIlUVEI{ POPLIN ADAMS The Foren,ic League of Harding has promoted the interest of debating in I-I. C. At the bej!'inning of the yea r the Forens ic League condu cted a class in the s tudy of the principles of debate. The enrollment was good and keen inter est was manifested . Under its auspices a seri es of inter-class d el~ ates were arranged in t he co ll ege which resulteci in victori es fo r the Seni ors and Freshmen. Clin t Su rber and Raymond L. Haz!et represented the Seniors. Leroy Harbin and l(enneth L. Dart r epresented the Freshmen. The league hopes for greater things next year . Come on boys and g irb! Th in kin g is t he biggest game of the ages. Pave eiyhtY-Nix