1926-1927 Yearbook

: BOARDING BOYS The non-resident boys who are enrolled at Harding are pictured in the magnificent group above. The majority of the,e boys room in the dormitory which i, under the supervision of Professor and Mrs. B. F. Hhod es. who also dwell therein with their fami l;'; "Fido" not excluded. Although these boys, as a whole do not fully understand and appreciate unusual nocturnal vocal demonstrations of the young ladies, a few of the more gallant members of this most distinguished body "eturn the serenades with g reat gusto and gratitude. More than one club has ceen highly organized from these auspicious ranks . "Los Blancos Pantolones" was one of the first clu!::s to appear in uniform after the holidays. The " II. G. If. G." is perhaps the most loyal order as it is closely con nected by iron ban(b, so to speak . Other club flouri sh and wane but these two assemb li es make constant and conce rtecl errorts to further the accomplishing of many practical and 01 namenLal achi evements of lhe school. ;lhlllY of the boarding boys who do not inhabit the dormitory engage in variolls actidties with the laUe!' group, ~ U( h ag studying, playing, ealing and keeping social hour.