1926-1927 Yearbook

: MCIH' HY EDWAIWS MRS. J. M . M CCALEB OLDHAM NI>WMAN MARS II ALL (Retu1'ned Missionar!! ) R OBERTS HOllcoon SCIIRADER FLINT HAllBlN BEAN ANDERSON ADAMS OLDHAM MARS II ALL ACKERS BL.\C]{S HEAR H OWELL OLDHAM A CI{ERS POPL IN ARDREY The r€s ponsibi ll ty of Christians as mi ssionar ies is emphasized in all th e religious t eaching of the ,chool. All of ou r m! ssionari es have been conn ected in some way with the ILbie School Movement. A numl' er 01' people have met regularl y throughout this and other years for a speci al study of miss ions . Th' s class mects eve ry Sunday evcning before preaching to study the customs of foreign co untrie~ , the need for, and the needs of miss ionaries . By communi cat ing with persons who are, or have been in the m i ~s ion f ields they get much inside information on the nature of the work . Two years ago this class was led by Brot hel' George Benson, who is now in China . Last year it was led by Brother C. C. Me r ritt, brothel' vf Dow Merritt, who is now in Africa. This year it is led by Brother Lewi s T. Oldham, who is expecting to go to China in Augu st. 1927. Several of t he returned missionaries and those on their way to foreign fields have visited the class. Page ninety-five