Winnie Bell Going Away Party

C/11ay our Lord be with you always And, as years go passing by, May your happiness keep growing And your blessings multiply. "Grace and peace be multiplied unto you ...." II PETER 1:2 KJV June 18, 2007 Dear Winnie, I have enjoyed many happy hours in your home. I was always impressed with its warmth and hospitality, and inspired by the joy and willingness shown in caring for your sister. While I often went to hold up your hands I always felt uplifted and a bit more cheerful after being there. You were an inspiration to me. Your mother was a sweet, positive lady who was also a joy to be around. I feel sure her attitude helped instill in you the power of positive thinking. I am glad I got to know her. Dean and I have discussed the fact that we know of noone we admire more than you. Your life of service to Harding, the many hours you devoted to World Bible School lessons, the children who were adopted by you and who received loving care from your hand, the tender, loving care you gave your sister all represent the worthy woman mentioned by God. You have been a great example to me and to many more. You can' t be replaced in this community and we will all miss you greatly. Please let us hear from you when you get situated. ~h~ Carolyn Priest