Pryor Scrapbook Clippings, 1945-2000

..-~- -1- 1,;- - -~- ~-- --·-·- - ·· . - A TIME FOR REWARDS [Clockwise from top] Holiday Inn President L. M. Clymer [left1 accompanied by his wife. accepts ho~rary doctorate symbols from President Clifton Ganus [right] and Dean Joseph Pryor ... Dr. Kenneth Davis [left1 Mrs. Lois Brown and Dr. Harry Olree pose after receiving $1000 each and the title of · . Distinguished Teac!Jer·at graduation ceremonies ... The Doug Lawyer fatnily of Oklahoina City congratulates daughter Shauna after spring commencement ceremonies . . . Bonnie Ellic,tt of Nashville. Arkansas patiently waits to receive her master ofeducation degree . .. Tim Baird ofVida. Missouri. a Bible and mathematics major. re·ceives the Charles Pitner Math Awardfrom Mrs. Mary Pitner. f 9if