Pryor Scrapbook Clippings, 1983-1997

HARDING UNIVERSITY'S Chief Academic Administrators 1924-84 Neale Pryor Appointed Vice President- APRIL •Ml Neale T. Pryor, professor of Bible and a 21-year member of the faculty, has been named vice president fer academic affain at Harding {!niYersity, according to President Oifton L. Ganus. Pryor will succeed Joseph E. Pryor (no relation) who has directed academic affairs since 1960 and who will retire as- vice president at the close of the summer term. Neale Pryor's appointment will be effective at the beginning of the fall semester. A 1958 graduate of Harding, the 47-year– old Pryor has been a member of the faculty since 1962. · · "I'm very happy that Dr. Neale Pryor has . accepted the position of vice president for academic affain . at Harding. He -knows Harding, its traditions, its purpose and its work. He is an outstanding scholar and teacher and · I confidently expect him to setve in a very effec:tiv.e way in his new · responsibility," Ganus said. Dr. Joseph Pryor has served as academic dean for 23 years and was appointed vice president for academics in 1973. He bas been involved at Harding as a student and teacher for ·more than SO years. "Dr. Joe has done a tremendous job serving in a very ·selfless and dedicated way," Ganus said. "He is respected and loved by all who appreciate the very tine way he his served. We will miss him and are happy that he will eeatinue t<>' teach and sene at Raiding." Neale Pryor attended Freed-Hardeman College bef9re coming to Harding in 1954. He earned a bachelor's and master's degree by 1958 ~ advanced to the Madina Graduate School of Reliaioa in Memphis where he completed an MTh degree in 1960. In 1969 he completed his doctoral degree at the New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary on the topic, "The Knowledge of God in Hosea." A native of Mayfield, Ky., Neale Pryor received the Outstanding Young Teacher Award in 1966, the Distinguished Teacher Award in 1970, 75 and the 1982 Alumnus of the Year Award from the Harding Graduate School of Religion. In addition to his teaching activities, he is an active evangelist and is a much sought after speaker for lectureships and workshops. He is marriecl to the former Treva Terrell of Fulton, Ky. and the couple has two children, Alan, 21, who is attending Har– ding University in Florence this semester and Lori, 18, who is enrolled as a freshm-.