Pryor Scrapbook Clippings, 1955-1980

• - · w. F- Rushton, associate professor of biology at Harding University, displays a fossil tooth of a . ·Mastodon, an elephant-related animal which once roamed the earth and died dur– ·ing the Ice Age, about 2s,ooo years ago. The obiect in the foreground is an actual tooth much like the fossil fourad. The fossil was found by Earl H. Wilson, of R~ute 1, Sidon while digging a stock pond n.ear his home. . ~ ·The fossil was found about six feet ' underground. The find is unique because the Mastodon has never before been reported in this area Rushton said that the tooth is one of the smaller fr·ont teeth of the animal. ( Citizen·photo by Oran Hardca~tle) . . . , DAILY CIT IZEN - Searcy, Ark. - Wednesday, August 20, 1980 - Page 3A . . . . I f)£esented to HafdiHg .Uaiversity '[.Simmons Three original works of art adept at fine-line pen and ink A native of Fort Meade, Florida, Simmons was direc– tor of · promotion and research for the Cleveland Press before joining the Har– ding staff. He was the reci- pient of numerous awards for his graphic and I by Russell L. Simmons, have illustrations and scrat– been presented to Harding chboard renderings. University by his widow, Mrs. Myrtle Simmons and son, Kenneth, according -to Winnie Bell, librarian. The drawings depict well– known campus landmarks, the Harding archway, the Old Ben · Tower and the Beaumont Memorial Library. The framed art pieces will be hung in the Beaumont Memorial Library. The ·1ate Mr. Simmons served as director of public relations at Harding from 1955 to 1970. Ari accomplish– ed writer and artist, Sim- I mons illustrated many of the campus publications with his 1 ~fforts. _He wa~ especially , . ART PRESENTED TO HARDING-Three original drawings of Har.ding campus land– marks by the late Russell L. Simmons were presented to the University by Mrs. Sim– mons {-Een-ter) and..sons, Ke"neth, left and photographic art work. (not pictured) Ernie and daughter, ~utti. Miss Winnie Bell, librarian, accepted the drawings which will be hung in the Beau– mont Library. The drawings were of the Harding archway,