Kappa Delta 1973-76

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Proj e.ct '73- '7't i' Jo.c.Kie f'r- L.·ttle. Ones) Inc.. 11 ~ S£Pr£Ml3~R.: Trip to Zoo in L; ttlc.. Rock (Wea.*heY permi-\iin~J ,, Ha\\oi.A)&e.n ·. '' f~1,9h+tc.Nl +~:o \'lQunt.s eAch hlembe.'f""• Reward; TfE![S!! ~ledC)e. Wuk - ~ach \)leage. rv~o.lus + fu.l<e.s a. chi Id a. :SI..\~ pri s~ : C.hristMo.S ga.+he.r :n~ ~ 5o.~to. C\o.u.s J re...+'re.shm~n+.s > fCJy.sJ O."'d ge..ne...v-ou.~ h.e...l?in3s 6+ JoY 1 G-ct:.a.w~ l \ + L..ove. .. I n<1smu.ch. d. s ye. ha.vt. d o-ne. it unta one. of the. k11st of the.~e. ••• ~e h~tvc. done. it I.Lnto rne.'' ( ~Q.#. ~~:tto)

CL B ACTIVIriES FOJ FALL S~ME TER 1973 Se e b~r ~9 --Go to Southern Christian ~orne in !V:orril on . .Arkan:::-as a •"d p.l8..f w:ith tly, c~1;ld·~nr'. J. Val l oween rarty.

J':IEI-1BERS Debbie Almond Kay Banta Belinda :Sledsoe Lana Bradley Debbie Cates Denise Cates Janice Dockery Carol Freeman Donn<J Hmnm Darlene Hammond Dlanche Harris \~e lma Horton Hickie Harris Beverly McCormick Valerie 1-'lcGee Pam Hills Becky Noore Beegie Hurphy Cindy ll.yers Carole Parks Debbie Powell Sherry Shipman Patricia Spillman KP.PPA DELTA Cindy Hobelman (Honorary) Glenda Horton (Honorary) PLEDGES Debbie Archer JDnet Jc:rnett Cathe:cine Binge Ginnifer Bybee Cheryl Confer Katherine Co~eland Ju]_~.e D~i_ckerson Becky Ept.::m R:lte. HollingsHorth Jo Elaine Johnson Cathy Lewis Vivian Loft:Ln Debbie l-taxwell Lynn l'1cD<miel Susan Nyers Jane l':agle Jean l'i.sgle Kathy Potter Lora Schneider Cathy Vernon Verna 1~edd le

Women athleties shone forth as the "superstarred" in Harding's annqal Track and Field days the 15th and 17th of April. Glittering trophies dazzled the eyes of our 1974 field event winners. Jan Rooker of Shantih propelled that softball into the blue yonder for the first place distance of 173'8". Zeta Rho 's Luann Phelps zipped around the softball base run with the lightning and winning speed of 12.6. UFO's were reported to have been seen the evening of April 15th but really it was the glowing efforts of Bonnie Stuart. Miss Stuart, an independent, vic– toriously heaved the shot put 30'4" and hurled the discus 63'11" claiming two trophies. Tri Kappa's stargazing Layna Wheaton 'Flosberry Flopped' 4'7" above the high jump and came down to receive her first place cup. Multi-talented Sherry Adams of Kappa Phi broke the only record in field events this year with a flying distance of 15'5" in the irunning broad jump. Beaming into view the Tug 0' War had two struggling clubs left at her mercy. Back and forth Ka~ Delta and Kappa Phi ex a theiraetermination and power. at last tfie trappa Phi's splendor shined through and their winning smiles and happiness, too. Brenda Harris of Ko Jo Kai was the first trophy winner in the track events as she zoomed over the low hurdles with the brilliant speed of 11.0.

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SC.t\EDULt OF' AC.i\VlTl£5 l?~IA.lo..r Ac.·Hvi ties I~ -4- 3ao rnot'\~S - ~ c~b mee:r·,"9 ~-+ ~t~ N\o~a.~s - Ko dllb deuatic~ct\' Spec.io.l Act\ vi+ies 'Bu.f\ki~ 'lb.r\ 'es H~~r\de +Cookou.i: Sko:tl~th.~~ Chctpe-\r'ro~ro.m ~' ~ Dov-W\ Devati Ot\<l. \ s ~ Care 5l~~rs 5of+ba.ll +Speeot ~\\ 3..,4Ske-J.bG.II +VoJie~ba.J I I" o.s M~~ a.s \je, ho.ve. dor\e it u.~i:() oM. o-f ~ leo.st ~ *~ ... ~e ho.ve. do~e. it u-n-to me." _ (tl\a.*t. ~5 : ~o) 'Yl Pr-~jec.t F'a.ll I~7 '+ " 01,\ '<' Fo.rn·~ l~ '' - Je1.c.k'\e -.., Ch'd~"'e.~ ..,. SepteMbev: Oc.tober·· November: HoJ \oweeh- Kids ''r..ickorTreAt11 a.-t ~ d.oo~ elf elC~ v~\ v.. ~ V't\_Q 'Mbe~ ... P\edCle.We.ek-ta.c.~ p\eci.~e m~k.es+~es o.. C.h'Acl ~- \J 0.. su.rprl "&.e. . Tha.l\k.s~iv·,".:\ Dii\1'\Er .f.ov- ~ -htvv\,l~ SkQ.·t\~ ~"rt~ wi{h kid.s Chri st~4.S '"'P'lv1~: So-l'\to. Cl a.use, r-ef'Y'6Sh~ett'bj io~-3~ art~ ~Q.I'\Q.rous hilpi ~s cf JOY GOOOW\ LL d.t'\cA LOVE. ' )

"l C'l t} ~=-~~-~~-- KAPPA D:G i,T~ 1. Debbie Archer .B ox 1506 Stephens 3J2 2 . .Janet .3arnett DOX 506 ;Jtephens 219 3. Catherine .Benge Box 976 Co.thcart 202 lL Belinda J ledsoe Dox 1223 Apt. C-5 c: Lana :G rad ley .S ox 417 Kendall 116 , , 6. Debbie Cates Box 40L~ Apt. C-h 7. Denise Cates Box 404 Stephens 224 8 Katherine Copeland .Box 292 Kendall 209 9. Be cky Epton Box 1540 Cat hcart 104 lO, Ca:r;-ol Freeman Box 355 ~'~enr:lall 115 ll. Donna ~iamm Box 1538 Cathcart 10~- 12. Darlene Ha!nnlond. Box 605 Stephens 225 13. Blanche Harris Box 417 Kendall 116 14. Rita Holling sworth ;J ox Cathcart 201 15. Vlelma Horton b OX 506 Stephens 219 16. To Tohnson Box ]_L/..78 Stephens 235 17. Be.v ; cCormack J ox 4l? J:Cendall 205 .../ ' ..... 18. Valarie r.cGee .. Box S26 Kendall 212 19. Debbie ''! axwell Box 3'--1- Cathcart 20 0 20. 3ecky oore 0 0X 1633 Apt. D-5 21. Susan :'~yers J ox 118 Kendall 3JO 22. Tane Nap~le _;:) OX '530 American Heritage i+-20 23 Tean Nagle J ox 5~·n )U Ame rican .l.eri tag e 312 2~· . Kathy Potter J ox 57 Cathcart 322 25. Debbie Fowell ;~ OX 605 5 Stephens 225 ?f Lora Schnie der Box 1.. SP1. Bld. Apt. ? (;G '7~ 4 7 o~•~J I .._ )'_.• - 0 27. Cathy Vernon Box 528 Stephens 230 ?P. ..._. ,.._ . \Terna Weddle .3 ox 119 Kendall JJO

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MOU~~TAIN ST.ATES w~ the 1~ ~e 7fiMJfi4/. J.m;e Harding College Searcy Ark j ~ ~' ' ~ ~~ ~ ~"\ i~ l~·· '~ ~ -~ ' ~ ~ ~ ~ · ~ ~ ? ~ ~b ~ ~ I ~ ~ ~ - » t ~ ~ ~~ Support~d Ry Tbe Members of The Churc~b of Christ Directed By The Elders of The Longmont Church of Christ Homer. L. Ward, Superintendent Jan 22, '75

~~~~Cff.~ ~~~~~~~ d ~- /??UVIA~ -o/~~v _9~9~ ~~~~~~ ~~~+~~_A/~~ _At;~~~A~~~ ~bo~.d~ ~~~:d'~.d/~~~ ~~~~ F. sema:-, . u:.ns > ~ t. Da lene Hamm nd ,f. I t

5hciron Brad/e'f f.J.nrfa, Wa.l lore ,...

PL [ o_r; [ pled3e [t1eas011 Betty Sptllman.

I<ay 8a!J Ia. aloenda 1-k:rfolt.

Forma. I :z:nL+t CLtl on

Homec..ornu~ Flocu+ 3a.m,e 3ones "'Cxiv1d -WE?je..r
