Kappa Delta 1973-76

"l C'l t} ~=-~~-~~-- KAPPA D:G i,T~ 1. Debbie Archer .B ox 1506 Stephens 3J2 2 . .Janet .3arnett DOX 506 ;Jtephens 219 3. Catherine .Benge Box 976 Co.thcart 202 lL Belinda J ledsoe Dox 1223 Apt. C-5 c: Lana :G rad ley .S ox 417 Kendall 116 , , 6. Debbie Cates Box 40L~ Apt. C-h 7. Denise Cates Box 404 Stephens 224 8 Katherine Copeland .Box 292 Kendall 209 9. Be cky Epton Box 1540 Cat hcart 104 lO, Ca:r;-ol Freeman Box 355 ~'~enr:lall 115 ll. Donna ~iamm Box 1538 Cathcart 10~- 12. Darlene Ha!nnlond. Box 605 Stephens 225 13. Blanche Harris Box 417 Kendall 116 14. Rita Holling sworth ;J ox Cathcart 201 15. Vlelma Horton b OX 506 Stephens 219 16. To Tohnson Box ]_L/..78 Stephens 235 17. Be.v ; cCormack J ox 4l? J:Cendall 205 .../ ' ..... 18. Valarie r.cGee .. Box S26 Kendall 212 19. Debbie ''! axwell Box 3'--1- Cathcart 20 0 20. 3ecky oore 0 0X 1633 Apt. D-5 21. Susan :'~yers J ox 118 Kendall 3JO 22. Tane Nap~le _;:) OX '530 American Heritage i+-20 23 Tean Nagle J ox 5~·n )U Ame rican .l.eri tag e 312 2~· . Kathy Potter J ox 57 Cathcart 322 25. Debbie Fowell ;~ OX 605 5 Stephens 225 ?f Lora Schnie der Box 1.. SP1. Bld. Apt. ? (;G '7~ 4 7 o~•~J I .._ )'_.• - 0 27. Cathy Vernon Box 528 Stephens 230 ?P. ..._. ,.._ . \Terna Weddle .3 ox 119 Kendall JJO