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is dedicated to a world class

institution of higher education, Harding University,

where the principles of the Bible are indeed taught as

the principles of life.

The legal recognition and protection of free man's

natural right to acquire, hold, use, or get paid for the

use of private property is one of the essentials of any

economy that is striving to achieve the best possible life

for its people. As a stimulus for hard, sustained,

imaginative, constructive work, it has no equal. Any

society that tries to get along without it will never make

the best use of its factors of production.

Many Americans seem to assume that free

enterprise is a natural condition -- that it appears as

naturally as buds in springtime and that it will continue

to bloom forever. But the fact is that throughout most

of history, there has been little freedom of enterprise.

No great nation enjoyed a full measure of economic

freedom until it was nurtured here under the U.S.


At the bedrock of the purpose for the existence of

The Belden Center is the chief concern of man's

government to establish and protect the highest degree

of personal freedom possible within the framework of

law and order -- to make him a better producer, if his

government truly is one "...

ofthe people,


the people

and for the people....


Americans, according to their Constitution, are free

to dream, play, try, fail and try again. Freedom, of

course, is not the only thing required for economic

progress, but it is indispensable. Americans have

accepted it and have prospered beyond all other people.